What are the Critical Skills for Team Leadership?

September 5, 2014

In today’s world, many institutions of higher learning have turned their attention to project management to help them in implementing some key projects. A primary component of project management entails the formation of teams that will help in meeting the specific goals of this project. This is where team leadership comes into being because effective leaders are needed for these teams. The truth is that team leaders have a responsibility of leading their teams to achieve the stated goals and objectives.

Without organizational authority in place, team leaders ought to inspire and influence others in meeting the goals of a certain initiative or project. The team leaders must create a positive climate for them to influence the team members effectively. These members need to feel motivated, feel they are being appreciated, are being heard, and that they are truly part of the team. In order to create this positive climate, a leader must have certain skills that would help him earn the much-needed respect from his team members.

Here’s a funny video of working ants led by an effective leader:

First, a team leader must have an understanding of behavioral styles. A clear understanding of both behavioral and behavioral skills will help a team leader to lead his team effectively. Behavior refers to people’s reactions- both verbal and non-verbal-and actions. Behavior is what other people can see or hear, and usually elicits some form of reaction from them. Therefore, it is important for a team leader to understand this concept since his behavior will have an impact on the behaviors of members of his team.

Secondly, a leader must listen and communicate effectively. This principle is crucial to effective interpersonal communication and may either make or break success in teams, leadership, and other relationships. The listening skill is crucial in all aspects of our lives, most especially when leading a team. If you listen to another person, it shows how much respect you have for him or her. Listening effectively means that you listen actively and work towards overcoming the barriers to listening by listening with intention to report, removing all the distractions, as well as asking questions.

Finally, a team leader must learn to handle criticism. The truth is that neither of us likes to be criticized. Oftentimes, our immediate action is to deny the criticism or become defensive. As a result, we often find ourselves failing to hear what someone has to say to us because we are so busy thinking on how to respond to them. However, in order from happening, you have to absorb criticism without having to be defensive or angry.

This process entails making use of words that will acknowledge another person’s point of view and accepting that it may be true depending on certain circumstances, but without necessarily believing it as true. Another way of coping with this is to clarify criticism. This would involve asking some questions that will put the whole burden on the criticizer to clarify what he or she means. Even though this technique is difficult, it is often regarded as a powerful way of handling criticism.

That said, most of the interpersonal skills are crucial in order to lead a team effectively. However, for you to become a team leader, you must have the ability to influence others, create a positive environment of trust, as well as demonstrate and receive respect. The team leadership skills highlighted above will help you in to becoming a strong team leader.