Understanding Emotions

Keeping A Positive Mental Attitude

Discover the relationship between a “positive mental attitude” and “positive emotions.” Hi and welcome to this video. In this video, I’m going to talk about emotions. And it’s funny because I *love* emotions! I love emotions. And the reason I love emotions is because the more I’ve studied them, the more that I’ve worked with them, the more I’ve learnt about them. There’s just so much more richness that becomes available.

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Positive Emotions – Learn To Create Satisfactory Results

Hi and welcome to this video. In this video, I want to take a few minutes to talk about “positive emotions.” And I emphasize the word “positive” because that word is an assessment. It’s just an opinion that we have about certain things in life. And- and in this case it’s going to be an opinion, or an assessment, about the emotions. Now where I come from and the training that I did with my coach training from Newfield Network an emotion is something that visits us all the time.

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Wrapping Up Guilt And Shame

Hi and welcome to this video. In this video, I want to take a few moments to wrap up all of the things that we’ve talked about this week. This week was kind of a big week! I think because we dealt with the emotions of guilt and shame and their etymology, as well as how to deal with guilt and shame, and how to overcome guilt. Now these are just tips and techniques but, very broadly, this week was kind of introduction to emotions, and the meaning of emotions, and how they can be useful to you.

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How To Overcome Guilt

Hi and welcome to this video. In this video I want to talk to you about how to overcome guilt. In earlier videos, we talked about guilt as an emotion. And like all emotions guilt has a story attached to it. Guilt has a certain predisposition to action. Guilt also has a body stance, posture, or physical disposition. And finally the emotion of guilt also has a breathing pattern.

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How To Deal With Guilt And Shame

Hi and welcome to this video. In this video I want to talk about how to deal with guilt and shame. Now these two are wonderful emotions and I think they visit as each and every day because it’s so pervasive in at least the North American culture. The reason I mention this is- you know, think about the TV dramas that you watch, or the TV show that you watch.

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Etymology Of Guilt And Shame

Hi and welcome to this video. In this video I’m going to talk about guilt and shame but this time I’m going to talk about their etymology. Because when we approach these words from a linguistic perspective, it really helps to understand the root of these words. Now guilt and shame are emotions that have significant meaning to each of us in our own lives. What one person considers “guilt” in their life is going to be different from the way another person experiences guilt.

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Understanding Guilt And Shame As Emotions

Hi and welcome to this video. In this video, I want to talk to you about the emotions of guilt and shame. And these two emotions, I bring them up now because, well the new year just started last week and I do know about you but I had a few resolutions that sorta went by the wayside! But that that’s a different story! Anyway the reason I wanted to bring some sort of lightness into this is- You know when I work with my clients and we’re working with emotions, I’ve noticed that there is a real heaviness to it.

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Your Inner Emotional Intelligence Book Is Your Body

In his emotional intelligence book titled, “Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ” Daniel Goleman suggests that the quality of being emotional itself is intelligent. And that’s where I come in when I work clients. Sometimes we’ll start by exploring emotions and other times we’ll explore the physiological component of emotions. It’s very interesting that even though there may be a variety of different emotions that we may experience, the common understanding lists only about six basic emotions.

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Different Emotions – Are Only 4 Available?

I want to talk very quickly about the different emotions that are available in daily life. One of the reasons that I like to talk about emotions a lot is that as human beings we are always in an emotion. We may not know what emotion it is but we are always in an emotion. Did you know conventional wisdom suggests that there are only about six basic emotions?

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