Expert Salary Negotiation Tips From Professional Career Coaches

February 5, 2015

The first thing we think about after getting a new job is salary package. Indeed, it is important to consider the amount of amount of money to expect at the end of the week or month depending on the terms and conditions of the industry. More often than not, you will get a chance to negotiate your salary before being absorbed fully by the company or organizations. Here are some expert salary negotiation tips to help you make intelligent decision.

Use your Experience and Skills as Evidence:

Let the human resource manager know your past experiences and skills during the initial stages of the negotiation. This will give him or her rough idea on the amount of money that the company should pay you. Some of the factors that they consider include economy and state of industry at the moment.

Use Figures and Statistics:

Unknown to most people is that explaining you past job titles does not necessary guarantee a high pay cut. Instead, you should focus more on demonstrating your expertise using real and proven examples of your accomplishments or projects that you have successfully managed and achieved expected results. For example, use figures to show that you increased sales by 30% in your previous job within a span of maybe 3-5 months. Such information will show the HR personnel that you are indeed worth the money.

Avoid Talking About Salary Too Early:

This one of the most overlooked salary negotiation tips. Most employers are too eager to join the company that they ask for specific details about their remuneration during interview. This is totally uncouth and unacceptable in most industries. Instead, you should channel all your energies to securing the job first before kick starting the negotiations. In fact, let the employer bring up the topic after you have already settled in. Of course you can take bold action to ask if they take more than 2 weeks to give you details though this is highly unlikely.

Express Your Excitement for Being Hired:

Motivation is one of the key factors that lead to high productivity in workplace. Based on this fact, it is recommendable to put on your happy face to show the HR that you are ready to work and achieve set goals and objectives of the company if compensation is fair and acceptable to you.

Be Professional by Using Polite Words:

Even if the compensation offered during the start of the negotiation is unacceptable, avoid using inappropriate words. Prove you are a professional by explaining why the offer is below your expectations politely. Again, go ahead and use current economic and industry facts to explain your point.

Do Research:

Salaries are usually based on company’s budget and ability to get the job done. Hence, it is highly recommendable to do a thorough background research of the position, roles and current job market to know your worth and minimum acceptable salary proposal. Most companies have probation programs that are designed to gauge performance of new employees before they are fully hired. Get to know if you are on probation and expected salary after the probation period.

Use these proven and professional salary negotiation tips to earn a living from your job.